Rafael Schmidt

🖥️ Work

My current work setup
You probably want to take a look at my Linkedin for contact and more details about my work life, so I'll keep this informal and short.

Critical Techworks | BMW Group

The beginning of my journey
I've worked briefly as an intern at Critical Techworks for 6 months. While there, I've helped the Quality Asurance team, developing integration tests and helping to improve their testing framework.
The tests were written in Python, using mocks in Javascript and interacting with the Multimedia Head Units through Linux commands. My team developed tests for BMW vehicle personalization features.
It was my first professional experience and I've met wonderful people there. I loved the product and loved working at CTW. Learned a lot in 6 months and would have learned even more had I stayed a few more years.
I've written a report as my final university work, where all my activity at Critical Techworks is detailed (long read warning)
This job made me a BMW fan.
My table at the CTW Porto office in 2022.


The place where I learned by helping others to learn
This was my first internship. I worked there for 6 months and my job was to create and update features on the Hollow website, focusing on the back end with Django and PostgreSQL, but also using HTML, CSS and Javascript in the front end.
I really like the idea and the purpose of the company, and helping other student to achieve their goals was really nice. My most notable task was the creation of a mock test system, modelling and implementing it from scratch supporting different question types and timeboxes.