Rafael Schmidt

📚 Education

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Enrolled after high school and interrupted the studies to be an international student in Portugal
Feb 2019 - Jun 2020
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Studied there for three years and completed my BsC in Informatics and Computer Engineering
Sep 2021 - Jun 2023

College and personal projects

Project developed for Databases and Web Applications Lab. It is a complete online vehicle auction platform, with automated cron jobs to close the auctions when no time is left.
Artificial Intelligence projects
Project developed for Artificial Intelligence class. It is a bot that uses minimax algorithm with various depths relying on the selected difficulty for the game "Less". In the same repo, there is also a second project that is an acoustic fire extinguisher prediction model based on a Kaggle dataset, using various macine learning algorithms and comparing their efficiency.
Java -- compiler
Project developed for Compilers class. It is a compiler for Java--, a subset of Java. It was implemented from scratch along the semester and supports many features of Java.
Code smells and design patterns
Project developed for Software Development and Testing Lab, covering code smells and design patterns in Java